Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Source Analysis

Yellowstone after Wolves

Summary: The ecosystem in Yellowstone national park has been restored and again supports the local large carnivores was again.The article considers the possible ecological implications of wolf restoration in the context of another nation park, Isle Royale, where wolves once restored themselves. It goes on to talk about how the wolves completely eliminated the coyotes in Isle Royale, which has implications for forest growth and composition. Its predicted that wolf restoration may have a similar effect in Yellowstone.

-What is the purpose?
To inform people of the change wolves have made in Yellowstone.

-Who is the audience?
Ecological people, wolf people, scientists, people interested in the environment

-Who is the author of my text?
Smith, Douglas W., Rolf O. Peterson, and Douglas B. Houston.

-What is the background of my text?

-Which rhetorical appeals are used in my text?

-How does the language and style contribute to the purpose?
Its Scientific and informative


Summary: This article talk about the history of the wolf. How people used to demonize them and how we still do. It talks about the Native Americans and the way they viewed wolves.

-What is the purpose?
to inform of the history of wolves

-Who is the audience?
people interested in wolves, history and Native Americans

-Who is the author of my text?
Jones, Karen

-What is the background of my text?
wolf reintroduction history and info

-Which rhetorical appeals are used in my text?

-How does the language and style contribute to the purpose?
more of a story but informative, keeps you interested

Influence of harvest, climate and wolf predation on Yellowstone elk, 1961-2004

Summary: The extent of this article is about the wolf reintroduction in 1995, the wolves have majorly contributed  to the decrease in the elk population in the Northern Range Yellowstone National Park. Using data such as elk migration, wolf predictions and weather data.

-What is the purpose?
to inform people of the wolf reintroduction to Yellowstone

-Who is the audience?
Environmentalists, people interested in wolves and Yellowstone.

-Who is the author of my text?
Vucetich, John A., Douglas W. Smith, and Daniel R. Stahler

-What is the background of my text?
wolf info, knowledge on wolves and Yellowstone

-Which rhetorical appeals are used in my text?

-How does the language and style contribute to the purpose?
Its informative

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